Dear customer, you are buying on: livitalia.it
Customer Assistence Number +39 0735 430214
VAT number / C.f. IT02031180678
To contact us for any informations : livitalia@livitalia.it
The general sale conditions below apply on all the sales made by Livitalia.it, through www. Livitalia. it . The offer and the sale on this website is a distance contract regulated by the paragraph of statute 50 of the Legislative Decree of the 6th September 2005, n. 206 (“Consumption Code”) and by the Legislative Decree of the 9th April 2003 n. 70, containing the regulation of the electronic trade.
The purchase of the items on the website is allowed only to persons who:
-have accepted the General Conditions;
-hold the quality of final customer according to the Consumption Code, that is to say that they are natural persons who, in relation to the Products purchase, act on purpose unrelated to a company,commercial, craftmade or professional activity(in case they have one of them);
-are of age;
-have read the Informative Report about the processing of personal data.
The items prices published by livitalia.it are related to a single item except where otherwise indicated and include theVAT. The prices that are published from time to time by livitalia.it cancel and replace the prevoius ones and are subordinate to the actual availability of the products. Livitalia.it reserves itself the right to confirm or to modify the products prices published on its own website, at the time of the customer order’s confirmation.
The products are not provided as test products. Even though livitalia.it can provide indications about the features of the products, the customer is responsible of the choise of the ordered products. The products pictures are approximate and not binding.
The possible special offers made by livitalia.it are effective just up to the sell-out and, in any case, are subjected to the real availability of the respective products. The special offers are not combinable. The gift products or in special offer could be in promotional packages, boxes, cellophane, etc. The measures and the technical features of the products could be different from the related description. The most of our products doesn’t need to be assembled; some of our products need a simple assembly (assembly instructions in the packaging).
If a promoted special offer provides the forwarding of an handout with one or more bought products,the Customer will be entitled to that handout only if it is expressly requested by the Customer in the sent order and up to the sell-out.
All the purchase orders sent to livitalia.it will have to be complete in every section and will have to include all the necessary elements for the correct identifying of the ordered products. Every sent order is a contractual proposal of the Customer and, therefore, it will be binding only if livitalia.it will confirm through the acceptance.
The carrying out of an order is equivalent to confirmation and acceptance of the same order. Livitalia.it reserves the right not to accept incomplete orders, not properly filled. In case of lacking carrying out of thr order by LIVITALIA (if it’s due to a unavailability of the products ordered by the Customer), Livitalia will inform as soon as possible the Customer, refunding the ammount of money in case the Customer has already payed for the supply;otherwise the Customer hasn’t the right to any refund neither to indemnities or other types of compensation.
The fiscal records relevant to the ordered products will be ussued at the time of the products shipment. If the Customer has a VAT registration number and wants to receive an invoice under his name, he has to specify it in the order.
Entering in “my account”, you can see the progress of your order and you will be informed by e-mail of every change of the stage of the order’s elaboration.
Stages of the order’s states (exemple of delivery in 15-20 days)
1st STAGE : Order and payment accepted (1-2days)
2nd STAGE :__preparation in progress (after about 10-12 days)
3rd STAGE : ___in shipment (after about 2-3 days)
4th STAGE : ____delivery in progress (2-3 days according to the locality)
Attention :these parameters could change during the holidays (Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, August 15th )